When the printer must be reset?. The printer must be reset when the printer have blinking. The printer has the capacity to print (counter). Basically, each printer has a print limit is calculated by use of a counter or a calculating machine contained within the printer. The printer does not work or stops working when the count in the counter has reached the limits defined by the manufacturer. Actually, the printer can still be used, it's just counter contained in the printer must be reset or returned to the state counter = 0.
The question is why can not reset? Though there is software to reset the blinking printer. That the intent can not be reset occurs here CX5500 Printer problem is blinking, then the reset waste ink pad counter. The printer can be run or operated to print, but after a printed sheet CX5500 printer is already blinking again. Never made prints, sometimes after the reset then do a nozzle check printer is blinking again.
In my experience the problems that occur on the CX5500 printer is due to the influence of the infusion system or modifications to the printer. So the motherboard is a printer error due to firmware error also. I've been able to solve this problem, so I try to share through my writing I hope this can help the readers as well.
Solve the problem that occurred on Epson CX5500 printer can not reset it's not a hardware but a software solution. For CX5500 Printer Adjustment Software I do not discuss here, because there are so many blogs that are discussing about : Download Resetter Epson Printer, How to Reset Epson Printer. Blogger tips of the printer are also hundreds if not thousands of printer maintenance are discussed.
OK. Immediately, the subject matter. If you experience problems on Epson CX5500 printer that can not be reset or the printer there is a problem as the above characteristics. Do as the ways below.
The first Method
Perform initial settings Motherboard. Who would use the Software. Method this thing to note is select the type INTER CX5500 printer. Printhead ID then it do not forget the backup, because after the initial Motherboard ID printhead will disappear (empty). If the ID printhead empty, then the printer will print blank.
Second Method
For this is by way of Load Data from other printer units. Other printers of the same type means that the printer is CX5500 also. Load Data CX5500 printer did not experience problems or damage, then restore the data to the problem earlier CX5500 unit (not reset). So this way I think is easier to do just copy paste the data.
The following sharing of my experience, hopefully these tips and tricks can be useful to readers as well. See you at the tips and tricks next. Thank you.
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